Source code for random_words.random_words

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import json
from random import sample
from itertools import chain

main_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

[docs]class Random(dict): def __init__(self, file): self.types_file = { 'nouns': self.load_nouns, 'nicknames': self.load_nicknames, 'dmails': self.load_dmails, } self.load_file(file) super(Random, self).__init__()
[docs] def load_file(self, file): """ :param str file: filename """ self.types_file[file](file)
[docs] def load_nouns(self, file): """ Load dict from file for random words. :param str file: filename """ with open(os.path.join(main_dir, file + '.dat'), 'r') as f: self.nouns = json.load(f)
[docs] def load_dmails(self, file): """ Load list from file for random mails :param str file: filename """ with open(os.path.join(main_dir, file + '.dat'), 'r') as f: self.dmails = frozenset(json.load(f))
[docs] def load_nicknames(self, file): """ Load dict from file for random nicknames. :param str file: filename """ with open(os.path.join(main_dir, file + '.dat'), 'r') as f: self.nicknames = json.load(f)
[docs] @staticmethod def check_int(a, count): """ Checks count :param int count: count number ;) :raises: ValueError """ if type(count) is not int: raise ValueError('Param "' + a + '" must be int.') if count < 1: raise ValueError('Param "' + a + '" must be greater than 0.')
[docs]class RandomWords(Random): def __init__(self): self.available_letters = 'qwertyuiopasdfghjklzcvbnm' super(RandomWords, self).__init__('nouns')
[docs] def random_word(self, letter=None, min_letter_count=1): """ Return random word. :param str letter: letter :param int min_letter_count: minimum letter count :rtype: str :returns: random word """ return self.random_words(letter, min_letter_count)[0]
[docs] def random_words(self, letter=None, min_letter_count=1, count=1): """ Returns list of random words. :param str letter: letter :param int min_letter_count: minimum letter count :param int count: how much words :rtype: list :returns: list of random words :raises: ValueError """ self.check_int("count", count) self.check_int("min_letter_count", min_letter_count) words = [] if letter is None: all_words = [w for w in chain.from_iterable(self.nouns.values()) if len(w) >= min_letter_count] try: words = sample(all_words, count) except ValueError: len_sample = len(all_words) raise ValueError('Param "count" must be less than {0}. (There are only {0} words)'.format(len_sample, letter)) elif type(letter) is not str: raise ValueError('Param "letter" must be string.') elif letter not in self.available_letters: raise ValueError( 'Param "letter" must be in {0}.'.format(self.available_letters)) elif letter in self.available_letters: all_nouns_letter = [w for w in self.nouns[letter] if len(w) >= min_letter_count] try: words = sample(all_nouns_letter, count) except ValueError: len_sample = len(all_nouns_letter) raise ValueError('Param "count" must be less than {0}. (There are only {0} words for letter "{1}")'.format(len_sample, letter)) return words
[docs]class RandomNicknames(Random): def __init__(self): self.available_letters = 'qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm' super(RandomNicknames, self).__init__('nicknames')
[docs] def random_nick(self, letter=None, gender=None): """ Return random nick. :param str letter: letter :param str gender: ``'f'`` for female, ``'m'`` for male and None for\ both :rtype: str :returns: random nick """ return self.random_nicks(letter, gender)[0]
[docs] def random_nicks(self, letter=None, gender='u', count=1): """ Return list of random nicks. :param str letter: letter :param str gender: ``'f'`` for female, ``'m'`` for male and None for both :param int count: how much nicks :rtype: list :returns: list of random nicks :raises: ValueError """ self.check_int("count", count) nicks = [] if gender not in ('f', 'm', 'u'): raise ValueError('Param "gender" must be in (f, m, u)') if letter is None: all_nicks = list( chain.from_iterable(self.nicknames[gender].values())) try: nicks = sample(all_nicks, count) except ValueError: len_sample = len(all_nicks) raise ValueError('Param "count" must be less than {0}. \ (It is only {0} words.")'.format(len_sample + 1)) elif type(letter) is not str: raise ValueError('Param "letter" must be string.') elif letter not in self.available_letters: raise ValueError( 'Param "letter" must be in "{0}".'.format( self.available_letters)) elif letter in self.available_letters: try: nicks = sample(self.nicknames[gender][letter], count) except ValueError: len_sample = len(self.nicknames[gender][letter]) raise ValueError('Param "count" must be less than {0}. \ (It is only {0} nicks for letter "{1}")'.format(len_sample + 1, letter)) return nicks
[docs]class RandomEmails(Random): def __init__(self): self.rn = RandomNicknames() super(RandomEmails, self).__init__('dmails')
[docs] def randomMail(self): """ Return random e-mail. :rtype: str :returns: random e-mail """ return self.randomMails()[0]
[docs] def randomMails(self, count=1): """ Return random e-mails. :rtype: list :returns: list of random e-mails """ self.check_int("count", count) random_nicks = self.rn.random_nicks(count=count) random_domains = sample(list(self.dmails), count) return [ nick.lower() + "@" + domain for nick, domain in zip(random_nicks, random_domains) ]